Monday, January 31, 2011

Quick Post--New Album Alert!

Hello all!
I thought I might just  write a quick unofficial post and send out the word (in case you ain't heard) of two great new albums that just dropped:
The King is Dead by The Decemberists (January 18th, 2011)
Kiss Each Other Clean by Iron & Wine (January 25th, 2011)

GOOD SONG: Calamity Song by The Decemberists

Yeah, I have no idea what's going on in this picture, either.

GOOD SONG: Tree By The River by Iron & Wine
Sam Beam, the brains (and hair) behind Iron & Wine.
I can't decide whether I think he looks more like Zeus or Jesus.
Also, the new album by Bright Eyes, which comes out on February 15th, 2011, can be listened to in its entirety here: NPR First Listen
It's quite good, you should check it out (especially the song "Shell Games").

Over and out,


  1. Love me the Bright Eyes, lately. This is a return to a rather torrid affair about 5 years ago.

  2. Yeah, I have a sort of love-hate relationship with a lot of Bright Eyes' earlier music. But this album is so great.
    The old-man-talking-about-outer-space-and-crap interludes are a bit odd though...
